Nigerian Export Supervision Scheme (NESS)

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Nigerian Export Supervision Scheme (NESS)

The Federal government of Nigeria designed the Nigerian Export Supervision Scheme to ensure that the price, quality, and quantity of goods being exported from Nigeria are to the specifications of the buyer, systematically prevent capital flight and ensure that Nigerian products maintain a competitive advantage in relation to other exporting countries in the world.

Neroli Technology provides Export Inspections (Oil and Non-Oil) services to the Federal Government of Nigeria. These inspections are based on the primary export document, the Nigerian Exports Proceeds Form (NXP Form), and the associated Request for Information Form (RFI Form) both of which contain details of export shipments. We ensure that the quantity, quality, and price of export commodities in the NXP are properly checked and monitored in line with the Pre-shipement Inspection Act.

The Preshipment Act and Nigerian Export Supervision Scheme (NESS)

The Preshipment Inspection Act, was enacted in 1996. The Federal Government shall appoint Preshipment Inspection Agents (PIA) whose duty shall be to carry out physical inspection, check quality and ensure fair pricing of goods.

Under the Act, it became necessary to ensure the exportation of quality Nigerian goods through the inspection of all products intended for export. Under the arrangement, all products intended for export must be subjected to pre-shipment inspection here in Nigeria before they are ferried abroad. The essence of the inspection is to ensure that the quality of such products meet with grades and standards of quality of products in the international market. This gave rise to the Nigerian Export Supervision Scheme (NESS).

The Nigerian Export Supervision Scheme was established by the Federal government of Nigeria to ensure the quality, price, and quantity of goods being exported, prevent capital flight, and maintain a competitive advantage for Nigerian products in the global market.
The Nigerian Export Supervision Scheme (NESS) Fee is a statutory payment to the Federal Government on all legitimate goods exported from Nigeria, including oil and non-oil goods. It is charged at 0.12% for oil and 0.50% for non-oil of the value of the export and is collected by the Central Bank of Nigeria.

Oil Transaction – RFI To CCI Issuance